Logical thinking

Logical thinking....

A night in the bar:
Bartender: who are you?
i've never seen you before...

Man: yeah! i just lost my job
And came here for a drink

Bartender: what kind of job?

Man: well. i am a consultant.

Bartender: whats that?

Man: its a logical thinker.

Bartender: logical think, what?

Man: let me explain it with an example.

Do you have a dog?

Bartender: yes!

Man: that means you love animals
Bartender: true!

Man: that mean you love your kids too.
Bartender: yes true!

Man: you have kids,
That means you are married.
Bartender: very true!

Man: you love your kids.
You are still married,
Means you have a beautiful wife.

Bartender: amazing man! how do you know all these?

Man: that's logical thinking
Now you are married to a lady,
So you are not gay!
Bartender: impressive!

Man: time to leave. bye!

(about 20 mins, later the bartender's boss comes)

Bartender: boss,
You know i met a consultant today.

Boss: consultant!!whats that??

Bartender: a logical thinker.
Boss: logical what??

Bartender: i'll explain it with an example
Boss: okay!

Bartender: do you have a dog?
Boss: no!

Bartender: that means you are gay!
Bar tender lost d job...????logical!!!!
BAR JOKES JOKES AND CHUTKULE - Logical thinking Logical thinking.... a night in the bar: bartender: who are you? i've never seen you before... man: yeah!

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